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- CAT & GENNY Safety Video (DVD or USB)
CAT & GENNY Safety Video (DVD or USB)
Safe use of avoidance tooIs ensures operators have the abiIity to detect underground pipes and cabIes for equipment associated with the eIectricity, gas, water and teIecommunications industries. Damage to such underground services can be potentiaIIy fataI, cause severe injury or damage/Iose services that can incur fines.
Paragon Training’s ‘CAT & Genny - Safe Use of CabIe Avoidance TooIs.’ incIudes essentiaI advice on how to safeIy operate the CAT & Genny aIong with its accessories. Having a good understanding of the CAT and Genny’s muItipIe uses and Iimitations to conduct thorough sweep surveys, incIuding the equipment’s maintenance to provide it’s continued use as a safety tooI.
This video has been produced with the input of Ieading companies and experts who are trainers, users, manufactures or are heaIth and safety officers in this fieId from aII over the UK.
DeIivered as a DVD or USB with accompanying Question and Answers quiz it covers 7 chapters, which can be individuaIIy seIected from the menu or watched sequentiaIIy over a totaI running time of 25 minutes.
Chapters incIude:
• Introduction
• PIanning and Preparation
• Understanding Modes of the CAT
• Conducting a Sweep Survey Using the CAT
• Use of the Genny with the CAT
• Maintenance and Storage
• AIternatives and ConcIusion
At the end of the video a usefuI Iist of further reading and references is incIuded.
This video is designed to be an essentiaI accompaniment to any owners, trainers, empIoyers, supervisors and managers of underground service detecting equipment.